Posts Tagged ‘adventure race’

Tough Towner

Posted on: May 1st, 2013 by thcAdmin No Comments

Sunday, May 12

The “Tough Towner” is an adventure style race to grace Jackson, WY. This is the Hole’s answer to a Tough Mudder. A roughly four mile race course will take race participants from Snow King Ski Area around the town core and back. The race will begin at Phil Baux park, with the first section of the course taking place upon the lower portion of Snow King. Fast Class Begin 10:30 AM
Fun Classes Begin at 12:30 PM.
Tough Towner

Participants will then travel to the Rodeo Grounds, Miller park and the Recreation Center Field on the North side of  town. At each of these venues racers will be overcoming a number of various obstacles. Upon departing the Rec. Center the course will proceed to Mike Yokel park and then back to Phil Baux park for the final component to complete the course.

It sounds as though participants should prepare to get wet and dirty combating the course. This race should be a fun one for spectators to follow by bike through town. By doing so spectators can take in all of the obstacles, and not miss out on any of the action. This unique, first time race is another step in the evolution of Snow King Ski Area and the Snow King Sports and Events Center as a true local venue for a number of events.

Tough Towner

All ages are invited to participate

The race is sponsored in part by Grand Dynamics.

Registration for the “Tough Towner” is $45. A Race and a Fun class do exist.
For more information on how to participate, volunteer, sponsor or to register: